Archive for June, 2006

hate: a strong word?!

I came home early this morning. Had a hard time sleeping. i've written poems once again and oh darn, i'm full of this hatred thing goin' on!

somebody wanted to talk to me regarding my past relationship. said she just wanted to clear things up. as if it would help. nothing's to be cleared anymore. we've gone our separate ways and i know he's happy with whom he's chosen.

 i, am happy too. but not as quite. don't want to rush into things… to expect is the least i would do. nobody owns me now. i'm my own boss. shouldn't i be glad to know that?!

 someday i will just stop hating. i know i will. someday i'll be truly happy. someone will love me (in the real sense of the word). i'll just wait here.  


Have you ever had that feeling of being torn in between? i mean, that moment when you have got to choose between speaking up the truth and doing the right thing (well, sounds confusing especially the latter but it did happen to me).

i tried to keep silent, but all eyes are on me. the pressure is hyped up and it leaves me even more uptight and cold. nevertheless, i spoke the truth. i felt guilty. a villain with a conscience.(how’s that for a mean girl?!)

there are still other stuffs goin on in my head. i wish i could shout them out and nobody would mind. life…life…life…..wish i could live it.


reasons why i (sometimes) stay up all night:

1. UNFULFILLING DAY. isn’t every morning supposed to bring new hope? ever since i quit my job, i wake up with nothing much to do so i hold on to my handphone- stare at it for ages ’til a message or a call comes in. i try to keep in touch with some of my buddies yet most of them are busy. turns out, during the evening, i lie awake, in disbelief of how my day had gone. starts planning for tomorrow.

2. SEEPING THROUGH JUNKIES. for everybody’s information, i have a mini-closet full of stack from the past (letters, autographs, diaries, gifts, wallets, photo albums, etc). sometimes my soul finds its rest in this “heap.” i read each of them, carefully tracking down each item’s history and those significant people who became part of those memories.

3. FRIENDS.FRIENDS.FRIENDS. what could be more fun than having stayed friends with your toddler playmates?! every meeting is filled with fun- though we’re all revved up with different issues and topics to discuss (sometimes to debate upon). most of the times, my childhood siblings gather to share life and it’s goodness thereof. and so, in the name of the midnight society, i call this story….

4. SOMEBODY SLEPT OVER. long-lost friends are always welcome for sleep-overs! but i have to warn you that there ain’t gonna be much of the “sleep” thing! we could do the craziest things, tell each other secrets, bash around and get laid! Ooops! i guess there’s gonna be some “sleeping” after all….


how come people judge other people easily? i mean, i dont consider myself perfect. i myself am guilty of just sitting anywhere, looking at passersby and mocking those who are not very “pleasant-looking.” but there are more people who easily jump into conclusions- those who haven’t even heard of the story yet. those who believe in lies by mere sight.

just had to share. i know we are all victims of prejudice. there’s no stopping this menace!

don’t squeal

why do most people like keeping secrets? i personally don’t. taking secrets from friends makes me feel heavier (like they’re putting their baggage on you) but i can’t do anything about it. i love my friends and that’s one way of showing them that i value the friendship.

i may have mentioned this before in some of the bulletins i posted in friendster, that my life’s secrets are “evenly” distributed among my dear friends. i just don’t want the truth to be kept forever. no matter how insignificant that secret may be, i’d rather have it told.

after this life there’s going to be a big oral tradition.

(to those who’ve entrusted secrets to me— there’s nothing to worry about. i’m squealing my shit. not yours!)

i crave for…

today i woke up at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. i missed the whole day of sunshine and good TV… in just a few hours the sun would set and darkness shall fill my world again. 

then i'll start craving for coffee then- or better yet: booze…

booze: it's what makes friends gather up, share lives and bond. i wonder if i'll get some of that tonight. i have so much to share (that's me- i barely keep secrets… i'll tell you why).

ho-hummm….. i missed the day but i miss my friends more. hope to see them later.

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